Convasa Construcción e Interiorismo


CONVASA is a construction company established in 1967 that works on projects all over Spain.
CONVASA initially focused its business activities on building projects, going on to specialise from 1990 in interior design projects, corporate branding for all kinds of companies and organisations and general installation work.
CONVASA is an authorised installer of a wide range of building processes.
Over the years, CONVASA has undertaken a range of different projects for public and private sector clients.
CONVASA is a member of the REA (Spanish Registry of Accredited Companies), registration nº: 03/33/000510
CONVASA is registered as a Contracting Company in the Official Registry of Spanish Bidders and Classified Companies under File Nº: 04297. A limit for construction work has been established at €8.700.120, which includes surveying work and executing the project.



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